
UCET brings Edcamp to teachers across the state of Utah. In a typical school year, teachers can experience these one-day conferences in a variety of locations. We plan to see you again during the 2024-2025 school year! To find out more about the different Edcamps across Utah, please look below or search hashtags – #edcampStGeorge, #EdcampUT, #EdcampWaSo, and #EdcampCUT and #Edcamp4Corners on Twitter.

Ed Camp St. George Logo

Edcamp St.George

#EdcampStGeorge brings Edcamp to the southwest corner of Utah. Register and join us for the fun!

Edcamp St. George 2025 will be held at the new Career Tech High School (map). Trust us – there is a school at this location. It’s just too new to be on the map!

Registration is now open, but keep checking back for speaker announcements and further details. Need answers ASAP? Reach out to our event planning team at ucetinfo@ucet.org for info and more.


Thanks to our Edcamp Sponsors for their generous support of educators who attend the Utah EdCamps. Their contributions help to make these events possible.

A special thanks to the Computer Science for Utah Fund for sponsoring Edcamp 4 Corners.


Edcamp Waso Logo

#edcampWASO brings together teachers from Alpine, Provo, Nebo, and Juab school districts. We also partner with Utah Valley University to include pre-service teachers as well. 

Edcamp 4 Corners

Logo for the new UCET Edcamp Four Corners, showing the Edcamp logo and 4 corner graphics in muted southwest colors, surrounded by 4 concentric rings of the same 4 colors.

#Edcamp4Corners is our newest gathering of educators, which took place on November 4, 2023 at San Juan High School in Blanding, Utah. 

Edcamp Utah

Ed Camp Utah Logo

#EdcampUtah brings Edcamp to educators across Utah. Edcamp Utah happened Saturday, November 2, 2024 at Timpanogos High School in Orem.   


Edcamp CUT Logo

Edcamp CUT is for our friends in Central Utah.

What is an Edcamp?

    • Free: Edcamps should be free to all attendees. This helps ensure that all different types of teachers and educational stakeholders can attend.
    • Non-commercial and with a vendor-free presence: Edcamps should be about learning, not selling. Educators should feel free to express their ideas without being swayed or influenced by sales pitches for educational books or technology.
    • Hosted by any organization or individual: Anyone should be able to host an Edcamp. School districts, educational stakeholders and teams of teachers can host Edcamps.
    • Made up of sessions that are determined on the day of the event: Edcamps should not have pre-scheduled presentations. During the morning of the event, the schedule should be created in conjunction with everyone there. Sessions will be spontaneous, interactive and responsive to participants’ needs.
    • Events where anyone who attends can be a presenter: Anyone who attends an Edcamp should be eligible to present. All teachers and educational stakeholders are professionals worthy of sharing their expertise in a collaborative setting.
    • Reliant on the “law of two feet” which encourages participants to find a session that meets their needs: As anyone can host a session, it is critical that participants are encouraged to actively self-select the best content and sessions. Edcampers should leave sessions that do not meet their needs. This provides a uniquely effective way of “weeding out” sessions that are not based on appropriate research or not delivered in an engaging format.

    What Utah teachers are saying about Edcamp?

      “Edcamp is what professional development should be about. Teachers coming together to discuss individual challenges and interests, while sharing resources or possible solutions based on real needs, interests, and experiences. Participating in Edcamp Utah was one of the most authentic professional development experiences I have had in years.” Jeremy Smith

      “I had no idea what to expect at this event. I was pleasantly surprised as so many teachers were very willing to share their experiences with different technology. I felt like the sharing of the collective knowledge regarding technology was very valuable.” Jean Robinson

      I really enjoyed the open format of each session. Everyone’s ideas were heard and addressed within each session, regardless of current level of understanding.” Kathryn Morrison

      “I have been hungering for a collaborative experience like this. Edcamp met my expectations and beyond.” Sharon Moore

      © UCET. All rights reserved.