We are in the process of updating this page. The general requirements will be the same. Check back in January for more details.


Volunteer IconsThe UCET Conference is the largest educational technology conference in Utah, and is growing. We need your help! This year’s UCET Conference will be held March 19-20 at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City. Please join us by becoming an official UCET Volunteer and be a critical part of a successful conference!

Volunteer Benefits:

  • A wonderful T-shirt you can proudly sport around your school and neighborhood
  • Your name in a volunteers-only drawing for a fantastic prize
  • A special thank you gift – a volunteer button!
  • The warm and fuzzy feeling you will get knowing you helped out a great organization
  • A chance to meet and network with amazing people
  • Our undying gratitude

Volunteer Process:

  • Register for the conference. We regret that we cannot offer you free registration, but then you wouldn’t be a volunteer!
  • Sign up to be a volunteer with this form. This will let us know you are interested in helping out. Once you have done that, our Volunteer Leaders will work with you to schedule a specific date/time/location for you to lend a hand.
  • Read the training document to know your volunteer duties and get the most up-to-date information with which you can show your best volunteer skills.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Vendor Setup: Help is needed on Monday evening to help the vendors unload and setup their booths.
  • Information Table: We will have multiple tables located throughout the venue, with 1-2 people per shift at each table. You will be provided with a conference information binder (maps, schedule, etc) and also act as “runner” if more help is required.
  • Streaming/Recording Support: Portions of our conference will be live streamed and recorded for our virtual attendees, and we may need some extra help with these logistics.
  • Lunch Support: This requires help and support passing out lunches to the vendors and others as needed.
  • Partner Volunteer: Our Partner/Vendor supporters are very important to UCET. In this position, volunteers will support our Platinum Partners and help our Partner Rep.
  • Playground & Poster Support: The playground is a newer feature to the UCET conference. We will need help making sure things go smoothly in this area throughout the event.
  • Registration Booth: This position will help attendees sign in the morning at the conference.

Questions? Email ucetinfo@ucet.org

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